Bbot Blog Images

Blog images would both serve as the visual on the blog landing page, as well as promotion for the blog on social media platforms and in the weekly newsletter.

Goal: Create visually engaging images to increase click through rates on social media to increase traffic to the website and create leads.


Full Color

These full-color images would be used for all categories of blogs: Technology, Operations, Marketing and Industry News. It was a fun switch-up from the monochromatic blog images.


Simple, eye-catching illustrations that create a visual for the content within the blogs.

Customer Story Blogs

Customer success stories were very popular blogs as they were often shared by the customers themselves. These blogs were created after interviews and were used both as organic content and used by the sales team as social proof for Bbot. In addition to creating these blog images, I created one-pagers for the sales team that concisely pulled the highlights from the interviews. I also interviewed Pearl Food Hall and wrote that blog!